Note: This article was first published on LinkedIn in 2021.
Great white paper on the benefits of the Product (#noproject) approach. Keep reading this post for a quick summary. Don’t be fooled by the # of pages, you'll benefit a great deal even with a quick read.
Projects vs Products
A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result into an organization
With a product, there's an expectation of continuous change and improvement
Agile Approach has helped Projects
A motivated team is more important than processes and tools
Delivering end-user customer needs should take precedence over documentation
Value customer collaboration over contract negotiations
Understand that responding to change is more important than following a plan
Even Agile success rate is low
Agile delivery wrapped around project structure, continues to have a significant failure rate
Product Approach
Continuous improvement
Continuous change
Outcomes over outputs
Value over busy
In most companies, the focus on successfully delivering projects has distanced them from focusing on delivering value to their customers. All too often, organizations have been measuring activity and cost instead of outcomes and value. The white paper argues that organizations need to change this to remain competitive.
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